Why French?
1. French is widely spoken
More than 300 million people speak French on the five continents around the globe. The OIF, an international organization of French-speaking countries, comprises 88 member States and governments. French is the second most widely learned foreign language after English, and the fifth most widely spoken language in the world.
2. French is part of who you are
The French and English languages have a pretty inter-related history. After the Norman Conquest of 1066, Norman French was emplaced as the language of power on the British Isles and had its influenced on English. Owing to the two languages existed in parallel for about 400 years, the English language is peppered with words of French origin — almost half of them can be traced back to French origin. This means that you actually already know a lot of French.
3. French can help with your studies and life
French language was used by famous philosophers at universal level to advocate ideas to the 18th century Enlightenment, the ideas such as human rights throughout the world. Hence, learning French makes a major contribution to broadening of your linguistic diversity as well as knowledge in today’s globalized world. Within the realm of education, learning French would help to open expend your friend circle up by making contact with French speakers of their own age, as pen pals or via the Internet. Although there are a few finicky grammar rules to learn, but it is worth it.
4. French is more than just France
France is one of the top tourist destinations well known for the abundance of delights — from the magnificent chateaux that line the Loire River to the tremendous opportunities for hiking. Learning French does not only give fruitful tourism experience of France, but also allows you to travel or study in countries such as Canada, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium, where French is also an official language. And if you like warmer climes for your vacations, you shouldn’t miss the French-speaking countries in Africa and the Caribbean including Madagascar, Morocco and Tunisia.
5. Parcequeje t’aime
The accent is arguably the most difficult part of starting to learn French. Consonants toward the end of words have an unsettling tendency to be silent. However, once you get used to the pronunciation, you will master some simple sentences. It does not take long to reach a level where you can communicate in French. Besides, the language appeals to students because it is a soft, melodious, romantic language. There is nothing more romantic than the soft, whispered sound of “Je t’aime”.

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10 Essential French Phrases
The following travel phrases and words will get you through almost any situation in France. This list isn’t all-inclusive, but probably you will use these the most.
- Oui/Non
Yes/ No - Bonjour
Hello - Au revoir
Good-bye - Merci
Thank you - Pardon / Excusez-moi
Excuse-me - Parlez-vousanglais?
Do you speak English? - S’ilvousplaît
Please - Je voudrais
I would like (use along with ‘Please’) - Combiençacoûte?
How much does it/this cost? - Oùsont les toilettes?
Where are the restrooms? (Use with ‘Please’)
Source: https://www.livinglanguage.com/blog/2012/05/31/top-ten-french-travel-phrases/
Useful websites for learning French
Listening & Speaking
Writing & Vocabulary
Information about International Exam
Study Materials
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